How long does shipping take?

Shipping varies based on which carrier you choose. We use both UPS Expedited as well as Canada Post. Within Canada expect your shipment to arrive within 4-6 business days after being shipped. If you select a faster option, your artwork will arrive1-2 business days after being shipped.

Our USA shipping has 3 options to choose from with delivery times ranging from 1-6 business days after shipping depending on the delivery chosen.

How much is shipping

We are happy to offer free shipping to both Canada and the lower 48 United States.

Is my shipment insured?

Yes! We are pleased to say that all shipments are insured for their retail value in case of the unfortunate event of a missing or damaged piece. This comes at no extra cost to the customer. We also use signature confirmation upon delivery to ensure that no works are stolen after being delivered to your doorstep.

Do you ship outside of the USA and Canada?

Currently, we only ship to the lower 48 United States and Canada. If you are outside of these regions and would like to purchase a piece, please contact us to get a quote on the shipping cost and we would be happy to ship your piece worldwide.

My artwork arrived damaged, what do I do?

Is your order damaged? Contact us within two days and state the type of damage, including the packaging, and send photos. Only then can we process your request. When the damage has been assessed, we will deal with this by e-mail, and possibly devise a suitable solution.

What kind of packaging do you use?

We carefully wrap each piece in paper as well as bubble wrap. Each piece is then further protected with corner protectors and packing peanuts within each box.

Customs and Import Tax

Kayla Kleine Studios is not responsible for taxes and duties in your local country. Any additional taxes and fees are your sole responsibility.


When will my order be shipped?

We will have your order shipped within 2-3 weeks of checkout. Once an order is placed and your email confirmation is delivered, you will receive an email with your tracking number and shipping details. Your tracking number will be sent the same day as the piece is shipped.

What payment forms do you take?

We accept all major credit cards including Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover. If you are located in Canada and prefer e-transfer please contact us.

Can my order be returned?

Items cannot be returned, since they are all handmade. An order can be canceled within 1 business day for a full refund amount.


How can the artwork be hung?

Each piece comes with sturdy metal brackets that will accept most wall-mount picture hangers. We recommend using sturdy screws into either studs or strong drywall mounts. We do not advise any adhesive mounts as the artwork may fall. Drywall anchors must be used if mounting on drywall.

How do I clean the artwork?

The frames can be wiped with a damp cloth, the art itself can only be dusted with a duster.

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